The showcase

A Place, Vegetation

Our Cellar

was designed by architect Gérard Minconé from the agency @midiarchitecture.
While the interior and technical aspects were our choice, we gave him free rein for the rest.



The Alpilles were his source of inspiration.
The anchoring of the concrete material, like rock, was lightened by the roof shaped like an airplane wing,
as if to soar over the Alpilles.


On the old bed of the Durance river, with its floor of rolled pebbles, Justine planted over 95% of her vineyard using massal selection vines from the Bérillon nursery.

The Bérillon nursery creates vine stock dedicated to high-quality viticulture, seeking the taste of Great Wines.

Justine went on-site with Lilian Bérillon to select her Syrahs from the vineyard of Domaine de Trévallon.

The young plants that have become vines have all been trellised and
managed to maintain a maximum leaf surface,
protecting the clusters from excessive sunlight.

Shielded by the foliage, the berries develop harmoniously without drying out or burning.

This meticulous work, respectful of the soil and the vegetation, is what you will find in our wines…


The fruit