Chapter I

The encounter

We found ourselves facing these first small mountains of the South.
In the coutryside … the land of milk and honey

Where the land has character.
We were struck by the beauty of this raw landscape.

This place.

The white rock. Its sun.
This immensity that questions us about our own place.
This climate so demanding, bringing strength and finesse for our future vines.
This corridor of temperamental, impetuous wind.
This natural heritage.

A story of love of
wine and wine of love.

Friends, we joined forces naturally.
And you will see, nature does things so well.
We wanted to write a story together.

Justine and us.

We, Philippe, Bruno, Pierre-Jérôme, Franck, Bertrand, our passion and our crazy desire to create something real, tangible, grounded. Also our intuition of being in the right place to do it. Together. Linked, united, committed at every step, every moment.



whom we crossed paths with.

And what luck! She is today both our know-how, our nose, our senses, our hands. She whose heart has beat for these parcels since her childhood. She who has nurtured her passion. She who is the talent and the spark of this Domaine des Alpilles.

We met for the first time in a kitchen. So simply and naturally that the moment became obvious. A suspended moment. One of those that changes the course of a life.

Our paths crossed because we shared the same desire. The same necessity to carefully choose every detail, every vine, every grape variety. Above all, the wish to do what we love and only what we love, putting all our energy into it.


The respect